DANSI Progetto Erasmus+

DANSI Progetto Erasmus+


Dancing for Social Inclusion




  • La Mia Misura ASD
  • Parasportski Savez Grada Rijeke – Croatia
  • Associação Recreativa Cultural e Social de Silveirinhos – Portugal
  • Università Popolare dello Sport – UPS – Italy


  • Facilitate the creation of educational activities based on dance through the definition of 7 thematic workshops in which the partners introduce their dance techniques as a means of promoting awareness and autonomy in people with disabilities. This objective is reflected in the creation of the Result R1-DANSI WORKSHOPS.
  • Comparison and improvement of methods involving disabled people in integrated dance activities. This leads to the creation of a specific project result, R2- DANSI Manual.



R1-Dansi Workshops

Definition of 7 thematic workshops in which the partners introduce their dance techniques as a means of promoting awareness and autonomy in people with disabilities

The six workshops themes will reflect the main objectives of integrated dance, i.e.:

  • Psychophysical well-being, due to dance proper movement; emotion, sense of freedom, well-being connected to physical movement
  • Self-consciousness and acceptance
  • Reinforcing self-esteem
  • Developing relational skills
  • Developing transversal skills
  • Developing communication skills

R1 – DANSI Workshops


R2-Dansi Manual

A tutorial Manual including programs and tools aimed at training the operators working with disabled people through dance.

The DANSI Manual includes different parts:

  1. e) Introduction to dance, origin and integrated evolution;
  2. f) Basic methodological elements of the integrated dance;
  3. g) Operator guidelines to carry out the activities.

R2 – DANSI Manual


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

The project of “Dancing for Social Inclusion – DANSI”, was conceived to offer, through dance, an opportunity aimed at encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in favor of persons with disabilities who make use of dance as a means.

The project responds to the general objective of “inclusion and diversity”, as it supports the inclusion of target groups with fewer opportunities such as disabled people, through an engaging and effective practice such as integrated dance.
At the same time, the project responds to the specific objective “Fighting violence, racism, discrimination, intolerance in sport and violent radicalization,” as a contribution to the fight of any form of discrimination and promote equality in sport.
The innovative dimension of the project is also represented by the project results that the project will carry out, namely:
-R1-Dansi Workshops – Definition of 6 thematic workshops in which the partners introduce their dance techniques as a means of promoting awareness and autonomy in people with disabilities

R1 – DANSI Workshops

-R2-Dansi Manual – A tutorial Manual will be created, including programs and tools aimed at training the operators working with disabled people through dance.
The target of the project will include:
-People with disabilities.
-Dance instructors, educators, volunteers and operators of social and sport organizations.
-Members of local, national and international institutions involved in education, disability care and social inclusion.
The impact of the project will concern increased knowledges and skills of the target about:
– the importance of dance activities for the wellness and social inclusion of disabled people;
– how to effectively sensitize people with disabilities to the benefits of sports;
– how to encourage people with disabilities.

R2 – DANSI Manual


Il progetto “Danzare per l’Inclusione Sociale – DANSI”, nasce per offrire, attraverso la danza, un’opportunità volta a favorire l’inclusione sociale e le pari opportunità a favore delle persone con disabilità che utilizzano la danza come mezzo. Il progetto risponde all’obiettivo generale di “inclusione e diversità”, in quanto sostiene l’inclusione di gruppi target con minori opportunità come le persone disabili, attraverso una pratica coinvolgente ed efficace come la danza integrata.

Allo stesso tempo, il progetto risponde all’obiettivo specifico “Lotta alla violenza, al razzismo, alla discriminazione, all’intolleranza nello sport e alla radicalizzazione violenta”, come contributo alla lotta a qualsiasi forma di discriminazione e alla promozione dell’uguaglianza nello sport.

La dimensione innovativa del progetto è rappresentata anche dai risultati progettuali che il progetto realizzerà, ovvero:

-R1-Dansi Workshops – Definizione di 6 workshop tematici in cui i partner introducono le proprie tecniche di danza come mezzo per promuovere consapevolezza e autonomia nelle persone con disabilità

R1 – DANSI Workshops

-R2 Manuale -Dansi – Verrà realizzato un Manuale tutoriale contenente programmi e strumenti volti a formare gli operatori che lavorano con le persone disabili attraverso la danza.

L’obiettivo del progetto includerà:

-Persone con disabilità.

-Istruttori di danza, educatori, volontari e operatori di organizzazioni sociali e sportive.

-Membri di istituzioni locali, nazionali e internazionali coinvolte nell’istruzione, nella cura della disabilità e nell’inclusione sociale.

L’impatto del progetto riguarderà l’incremento delle conoscenze e delle competenze del target riguardo:

– l’importanza delle attività di danza per il benessere e l’inclusione sociale delle persone disabili;

– come sensibilizzare efficacemente le persone con disabilità sui benefici dello sport;

– come incoraggiare le persone con disabilità.

R2 – DANSI Manual


Per visualizzare i workshop clicca qui



